Sunday, May 17, 2015

Kamen Rider Decade Chapter 24

Chronos watched as Alice dodged attacks from holograms. She moved swiftly and cut down the hologram. "That's good," he said. "But you need to be faster."

Alice gave him a look and scoffed. "This is as fast as I can go." More holograms appeared and she cut them down in a second. She smiled and turned around and saw Chronos running towards with a blade in his hand. She transformed into her Joker form and blocked the sword. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Holograms aren't good enough for your training. You need to fight a person of real skill." He slashed at her arm cutting it. He stood in a fighting stance and motioned at Alice to come at him. She winced at the pain but the cut healed itself. Alice roared and ran towards him. She used her fast movement speed to knock back. She formed fireballs in her hand and threw them at Cronos. They exploded on impact.

"How's that?" She sneered.
She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down and saw Cronos' sword sticking out. The smoke cleared and Cronos was unscathed. He walked towards her and pulled out his sword.

"Absorbing the jokers have made you invincible but that power is useless if you can't use it well." He sheathed his sword and walked away leaving her alone in the room.

Alice was frustrated with herself. She had all this power and still wasn't powerful enough to beat Cronos. If she couldn't beat Cronos then how would she beat Decade? But what was that form he had? She thought. She had never seen it before. For now she would train herself to beat Decade before he got too strong. She summoned more holograms and began sparring with them.

Tsukasa and Kaitou walked down the mountain trail. When they had exited the portal they had ended up in the mountains. Kaitou took out his tablet. "Shall we read about this world now?"

Tsukasa shook his head. "I'm getting tired of reading about the worlds. Plus I get the gist about the worlds we visit. They all have some big bad guy we have to beat and then we can move on to another world. Am I right?" He looked at Kaitou.

Kaitou put away his tablet and nodded. "I don't understand why we ended up here though." He scratched his head.

"Obviously your tablet is broken."

He scowled in response. "My technology is perfect. Don't you dare talk crap about it." Tsukasa snickered and they continued down the path. Suddenly several spikes came out coming towards them. They dodged it and the spikes hit a tree. A monster came out of the bush and growled at them.

Tsukasa and Kaitou took out their drivers and slid in their respective cards. "Transform!"
Their armors formed on them s the monster growled. Decade shot at the monster but it had no effect.

"Our attacks won't work on it. It's a Makamou. It can only be hurt by "pure sounds," Kaitou said.

"You have got to be kidding me. Then why did we transform?" He said.

"The armor can protect us from killed you idiot. Look out!" He pointed as the Bakeneko Makamou jumped at them. Decade dodged the monster and managed pull off its tail. He tossed it away, not knowing it was forming another Bakeneko. The clone behind him grew out its claws and ran towards Decade.

"Tsukasa behind you!"

"What?" He looked behind him. "Shit.."
A man tackled the clone down and jumped back. He took out a fork like device and hit it against a tree. It made a sound as the man brought it to his forehead. A small oni face formed on his head and purple flames engulfed him. the flames disappeared as it revealed a purple rider.

"Kaitou is that?"

"Yeah its Hibiki," Diend's card holder started glowing and shot out cards in the air. He grabbed them and they revealed themselves as the supporting riders from Hibiki's world, including some riders that he had never seen before. Hibiki unhooked his drumsticks from his belt and hit the Bakenekos. He kicked one away and removed his Ongekikou Kentsuzumi and pressed it on the Bakeneko on his right. it grew into a huge drum and the monster became paralyzed.

"Ongeki Da: Bakuretsu Kyoda no Kata!" Hibiki shouted. He slammed his drumsticks onto the drum and the monster exploded. He spun his drumstick and looked at the other one. "One more to go." Hibiki focused his power into his drumsticks and they lit on fire. "Take this!" He threw two fireballs at the bakeneko destroying it. He took a deep breath as the armor came off. Tsukasa and Kaitou tried not to the fire destroyed his clothes when he transformed earlier. He looked at them and then looked down at himself. "Oh crap." He looked around for something and went into the bushes. A minute later he came out fully clothed, holding his backpack.

Kaitou and Tsukasa cancelled their transformations. "So you must be Hibiki," Tsukasa said. "It's nice to be meet you." He held out his hand to the young man but he looked away.
"Sorry, I'm Hibiki's student, Kiriya Kyousuke. Why are you looking for Hibiki? And what kind of armor was that I never seen it before."

"I see. So you inherited the armor from Hibiki. And we need to see Hibiki its important." Kaitou said.
Kiriya put on his backpack. "Ignoring my question about the armors eh? No matter. Come. I'll take you to see him. He's not far from here." He started walking down the hill. Kaitou and Tsukasa followed him. Kaitou took out his tablet and started reading about Hibiki's world. If you don't read it then I will. There are still things I need to know."

Tsukasa smirked. Kaitou was a useful friend to have around. He wondered what he would do without him. "Whatever let's just get this world over with. We're getting closer to restoring the cards' power." They continued to follow Kiriya down the path to see Hibiki.

The two Makamou creators watched the group walking down the path. "They are dangerous," The man said. He had not seen the two new riders while studying on the Oni's weakness.

"Yes they are. I can sense they will cause trouble for us." The woman said. The man and woman were supernatural people who created the Makamou. They wanted to get rid of humanity and fill it with their creation. However, the Oni got in their way many times. They were tired of that. The creators both sensed something behind them and turned around and saw a woman standing in front of them.

"Hello you two. My name is Alice. I have an proposition to make with you two." She smiled mischievously as she walked towards them.

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