Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kamen Rider Decade Chapter 22

Kenzaki woke up on the bed. He remembered about Hajime and he jumped out. A sharp shot up in his body and he laid back down.

"Calm down cowboy," Kaitou said. "You're not going anywhere with those injuries." He sat down on a chair and took out his tablet.

Tsukasa came out of the bathroom, fresh out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around him. He opened his suitcase and took out clothes and went back into the restroom. A few minutes later, he came out wearing a pink t-shirt and black pants. "I think you owe us an explanation on who that russian man was and how you suddenly appeared after disappearing for six years." He opened the mini-fridge and took out a can of soda. "Well?" He opened it and took a sip.

Kenzaki sighed. "That russian man was one of the causes of the civil war in Africa. He supplied the armies with weapons and technology and even training. His name is Ivan Sazhin. Somehow he got the technology that can extract the Joker Undead.

"Why didn't you put up a fight?" Tsukasa asked.

"I did. Before I was taken into their faculty I fought them. But there was this armored man with a gun. I could have beaten him but a young woman got in the way. He used that chance to knock me out.

Kaitou was suddenly intrigued. He dropped when he was doing and walked up to Kenzaki. "Did she have blonde hair?"

"Yeah," Kenzaki replied. "How did you know?"

"Damn it," he slumped against the wall. "So they're already in this world."

Tsukasa looked at Kaitou. "You mean one of the Dark Emperors is here?" He slumped against his chair when Kaitou nodded.

Kenzaki remembered them mentioning the Dark Emperors back at Hajime's house. "Just who are these Dark Emperors?"

"The Dark Emperors are trying to take over my world and to do that they'll do anything to stop me from gaining back my powers." Tsukasa took out the nin Kamen Ride cards and laid them out on the bed. "Just five more cards and I can beat them."

Kaitou scoffed. "You won't be able to beat this Dark Emperor at your level."
Tsuaksa looked back at Kaitou. "And why is that?"

"Heptus is stronger than Bovtin. Plus when he fought with Kenzaki, he wasn't fighting seriously.

"That can't be," Kenzaki said in disbelief. He had thought the Dark Emperor was weak but if he was just playing with him then who knows what the outcome of the match would be.

"Heptus also has good marksmanship with his blaster. It's probably even higher than mine."

"It doesn't matter. I'll stop him with using the power I've gained," Tsukasa said. He drank the last of the soda and tossed it in the trash bin. Kaitou went back to his tablet.

"I guess I better work on that," Kaitou thought. One of the folders on the tablet read: "K-Touch"

"So how are we going to find Hajime?" Tsukasa said.

"I know someone who has an Undead detector. We'll go to her house," Kenzaki said. He got up from the bed and put on his suit. "Let's go." He took a step and almost fell down but Tsukasa grabbed him.

"Can you even walk?"

Kenzaki pushed him away. "I'm fine. Let's go."

"Kaitou, you coming?"

"Nope," he said. "I'm busy."

Tsukasa was taken aback. "What's more important than this?"

Kaitou put his tablet in his jacket. "I'll meet up with you guys as soon as I can. I just need to get some things." He left the hotel room.

Tsukasa scowled. "Forget him. Let's go."

"That's a nice friend you got there," Kenzaki chuckled. That made Tsukasa scowled even more.

Heptus stopped into the observation room. His apprentice Alice was already there. Standing next to her was Ivan. Ivan noticed Heptus and smiled. "Come."

Heptus walked up to the glass window and looked down. There was two pods with tubes connecting them. Behind them was the machine that would separate the Joker Undead.

"Has the man been placed into the pod yet?" Heptus asked.

"Yes. We are preparing the machine to separate them right now," Ivan said.

"And the fusion combiner?"

Ivan laughed at Heptus's impatience. "Do not worry, everything is going smoothly. The Joker Undead will be ours."

Heptus nodded and walked out of the room. His apprentice followed after him.

It took several hours to find Kenzaki's friend without Kaitou's tablet but they finally found his friend's house. "What's her name?" Tsukasa asked.

"Hirose," Kenzaki said. The door opened and Hirose stared at the tow. She looked back at Kenzaki and her eyes was teary.

"Kenzaki, is it really you?" She said.

"Yeah," he smiled.

She gave a him a tight hug. "Where the hell have you been? Everyone was worried-"

Kenzaki pushed her off him. "We need your help."

"Sur, what is it?" Hirose said.

"Do you still have the Undead detector?"
"Yeah. But why do you need it?"
"We need to find Hajime's signal. He's been taken." He stared at his watch. There was only 54 hours before the monolith restarted the Battle Royale.

"Come in. I'll get the laptop." They went into the house and sat down in the living room. Hirose brought the laptop and placed it on the table. "Searching for Hajime now." Tsukasa and Kenzaki watched her work. A few minutes later she got the location. She closed the laptop and stood up. "I'm coming with you guys."

"It's too dangerous," Kenzaki said.

Tsukasa nodded in agreement. "Just give us the location."
"No. I'm going and that's final. Besides this life is getting boring for me."

They turned around and whispered to each other. "You never told me she was this stubborn," Tsukasa said.

"She was always like this. And I never had the chance to tell you," he whispered back.

They turned back to Hirose. Tsukasa was about to speak but Hirose shushed him. She took her car key. "Let's go," She smiled. Tsukasa and Kenzaki stared at each other as she left the house. They heard a scream and ran out.

"What is it?" Kenzaki asked.

She pointed at the car. "There's someone in there."

"Oh calm down," Kaitou said. He got out the car and pointed at Tsukasa and Kenzaki. "I'm with them."

"So now you come," Tsukasa said. "What have you been doing?"

"It's none of your business. Let's go get Hajime," He got back in the car. His head popped out when everyone was still standing there. "Come on! We have no time for this."

They all got into the car. Hirose opened up the laptop and inserted the data into the GPS. She drove out of the driveway and headed to Hajime's signal. "This time," Kenzaki thought. "I'm going to settle things with Ivan."

Heptus sensed Decade's energy coming towards them. "So they've come."

Ivan turned around. "Who's coming?"

Heptus gave him a fierce glare. "Go back to work." He pointed his blaster at Ivan's face. "Or I'll blow your head off."

Ivan scowled. "Fine. I'll go to work." As he walked away, he had a dark look on his face. "Once I become the Ultimate Joker I'll kill that bastard and make that girl mine," he murmured.

Alice stared at her master. "Shall we kill the Kamen Riders now?"

He cracked his neck. "Yes. Bring the two Trial Undead with us. They'll be useful."

Alice bowed and went off to get the Trial Undead. "Soon, Bovtin. You will be avenged," Heptus said.

Kenzaki and the others got out of the car. Hajime's signal had led them to an underground base. "You're staying in the car," Kenzaki said to Hirose. "Keep the engine running."

"Don't die," she said.

"We won't," He assured her. He looked at Tsukasa and Kaitou. "Let's do this." They ran into the underground base. They expected heavy-fire from the mercenaries but they found them all slaughtered.

"So you're here Kamen Riders," Heptus said. Alice and the two Trial Undead stood next to him. "As you can see, the mercenaries are all dead."

"Why did you kill them?" Tsukasa said.

Heptus smiled. He walked slowly towards the bodies and picked up one of them. "Cause they would get in the way of our fight." He tossed the dead mercenary back in the pile of dead bodies. He looked at the three men. "Shall we begin?"

"Transform!" They shouted.

Kamen Ride: Decade

Kamen Ride: Diend

Turn Up

"Get out of the way," Blade said. He took out his Blay Rouzer. "I'm going to rescue my friend."

Heptus cracked his neck. "Get them," he said to the Trial Undead. The Trial Undead charged at the riders. Blade blocked the two Undead with his Blay Rouzer.

"Go! I'll handle them," he shouted.

They nodded. "I'll take on the girl. You handle Heptus," Diend said.

"Fine by me," Decade said. He opened the Decade Book and took out a card. "Let's test Faiz's power." He inserted it into the driver.

Kamen Ride: Faiz

Red Photon Blood covered him and Faiz's armor came on. He switched the book into sword mode and jumped towards Heptus. He blocked the sword with his blaster. "I have nothing against you. I only want Diend."

"Sorry," Decade grunted. "You'll have to settle with me." He kicked him in the stomach and stabbed at him. he dodged it and shot at Decade. He pushed him down and stomped on his chest.

"Tsukasa!" Diend shouted. He ran to help but Alice blocked him. She snapped her fingers and several C4 bombs appeared. They abruptly, exploded, sending Diend flying to the ground.

He looked at her in anger. "Get out of my way!" He roared. He activated his tesla-bands and ran past her. She smirked and snapped her fingers. The C4 bombs appeared in front of Diend and exploded. He grunted in pain as the impact hit his body. He coughed out blood.

"Better not underestimate me," she said. She walked up to him and grabbed him by the neck. "Where's the power that you used to kill Bovtin with?" She mocked.

"You.. bitch," he managed to say. He was starting to get pissed off.

She smiled. "At least you tried your best." She threw him up in the air and snapped her fingers. C4 bombs surrounded him. Before they exploded, he slipped in a card into the driver.

Attack Ride: Barrier

It shielded him from the explosions as he landed on the ground and drew a card. Alice snapped her fingers once more and the bombs exploded. He groaned as the explosion wiped him out. He had enough energy to slip in the card into the Diendriver.

Attack Ride: Invisible

Diend got up and the invisible card took its effect on him. "Can't hit me if you can't see me."

Alice scowled and looked around. "I'll find you."

Blade knocked down the Trial Undeads and jumped back. He took a card and inserted it in the Rouze Absorber.

Absorb Queen

He then inserted another card into the Rouze Absorber.

Fusion Jack

His chest plate turned gold with wings attaching behind his back. His Blay Rouzer's blade extended as his form was completed. He drew cards from the Blay Rouzer and slashed them on the side. "Slash, Thunder," the Blay Rouzer announced.

Lightning Slash

He flew up in the air and swooped down and destroyed one of the Trial Undead. The remaining Trial Undead charged at Blade. He slashed at the Trial Undead and cut off its head. It was still standing as it was looking for its head. Blade used the chance to slash another combo on the Blay Rouzer

Lightning Blast

He slammed the Blay Rouzer in the ground and jumped up in the air. The lightning went to his feet and he executed the lightning rider kick to the headless Trial Undead, destroying it. He turned back to see Diend fighting Alice. "I'm coming, Kaitou!" He slid a card into the Rouze Absorber.

Evolution King

The thirteen cards flew out of the Blay Rouzer and covered him. The cards glowed as it formed onto his body armor, allowing him to change into King form.

Decade threw every attack he had against Heptus but he dodged them. He charged his blaster and hit Decade with a charged shot. It knocked him out of Faiz's form. Heptus laughed as Decade laid on the ground, struggling to get up. "You're a disgrace to the Decade bloodline."

"What did you say?" He growled.

"You heard what I said. Even your father fared better against the four of us." Heptus sneered. He jumped on Decade, stepping on his hand. Heptus laughed as Decade screamed in pain. "You're just an imitation of your father. But of course you're stupid just like your father. You thought you could fight me alone? Please it's one thousand years too soon for you to face me."

"Shut up!" Decade snapped. He pushed himself up but was thrown back against the floor.

"Did I finally hit a nerve?" Heptus sneered. "Just look over there. Your friends are getting beaten down by Alice." Decade looked at their fight. THey were taking Alice's bombs at close range.

"Stop it!" he shouted. "Stop!"

Alice giggled. She snapped her fingers and several C4s exploded, knocking Kaitou and Kenzaki out of their transformations.

"God damn it," Kaitou grunted. He tried to stand up but Alice appeared in front of him. She gave him a side-kick to the face throwing him to the ground. Kenzaki fought back but to no avail.

"It's over," Heptus said. "The Dark Emperors win. And there is nothing you can do about it." He pointed his blaster at Decade's face. "Any last words?"

"Fuck you," he said. He knocked the blaster out of his hand and kicked him back. "I'll make you regret the things you said." His body started to glow violently. The light blinded them all.

"What the hell is this?" Alice shouted.

Heptus realized what it was. "It can't be. He can use Violent Emotion form?"

The two Dark Emperors looked at the screen back at their base. "Brother, is that?" Cronos said.

"Yes," Abaddon said. He looked at the form, darkly. "That's the form that was used to defeat us." He got out of his seat and went to his room."

"Where are you going?"

"There's no point of watching this. He has lost." He closed the door leaving Cronos alone.

"Damn it Heptus," Cronos said. "What have you done."

Decade's body stopped glowing. Instead of the light magenta color it was now darker. His eyes were sinister looking; the yellow pointer on the helmet changed to violet. "I'm gonna kill you," he growled. He made a fist and it glowed. He used his tesla-bands and ran behind Heptus. "Behind you." Heptus turned around to receive a punch to the face. He staggered back and spit out blood. He shot at Decade but he dodged it and inserted a card into the driver.

Attack Ride: Strike Vent

The Drag Claw appeared onto his hand. Kaitou watched in awe. "He can use other Attack Ride cards with transforming?" He thought. "So this is the power of Violent Emotion form."

Decade roared as he launched a fireball from the Drag Claw. Heptus deflected back at him. He switched his Decade Book to sword mode and cut it down. The sliced fireball exploded behind him. He used his tesla-bands once more and appeared in front of Heptus. He hacked at his body armor and slammed the hilt of his sword to his nose, breaking it.

Heptus staggered back, holding his bleeding nose. After snapping back into place, he rose his blaster to shoot at Decade but he was too fast. He dodged the bullets and ran towards Heptus, cutting off his arm. Heptus screamed in pain.

"The finisher," Decade said. He swung his sword for the final blow. Alice screamed and ran to her master, taking the blow for him. Heptus looked flabbergasted when he saw Alice. He grabbed her before she hit the floor.

She coughed up blood. "Is that you master?" She was staring up at the ceiling.

"Don't talk. You're not going to die yet." Tears was pouring from his eyes. "I'll save you." He stared at Decade in anger. "This isn't over." He let out a shout filled with his dark aura. This dark aura hit Decade knocking him out of his transformation. A dark cloud of smoke surrounded Heptus and Alice and they disappeared.

Tsukasa got up and stared at Heptus's arm. It was still holding onto the blaster. Kaitou and Kenzaki ran up to him. "That was amazing," Kenzaki said.

"How did you get that form?" Kaitou asks.

"I don't know," Tsukasa replied. "I can't explain it right now. We don't have that much time. We need to find Hajime. Plus I still think Heptus is still here. He wouldn't leave his blaster behind like that."

"Maybe he was in a rush," Kaitou said.

"No he's still in the building," he said. "Let's go." They ran off to find Hajime.

Heptus teleported to the fusion room holding Alice with his left arm. Ivan almost had a heart attack when he saw him. "You're just in time," he said. "I'm about to become the Ultimate Joker."

"Change of plans. You're not going to be the Joker. She is." With a nod, Ivan's neck snapped. He placed the dying Alice into the pod between the two Jokers. He stared at the scientists. "Do it!" He roared.

The scientists started the fusion machine. The two Jokers were sucked into the fusion machine along with Alice. After a few minutes the machine exploded. Heptus turned around and stared at them in fury. "What have you done!"

"We're sorry! Please don't-" Their necks were instantly snapped and they died instantly. He stared back at the fire. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry master," A familiar voice said.

He turned around and saw Alice. "You're okay!" He said in relief.

She gave him a smile and saw his missing arm. "It's gone."

"Don't worry. I can still fight with this arm. Now let's finish the Kamen Riders once for all."

She smiled against as she pierced his stomach with her hand.

"Why?" He gasped.

"You're not worthy to be a Dark Emperor anymore," she said. She pulled out her hand and Heptus dropped to the ground, spurting out blood. "I will replace you as the new Dark Emperor. She stood over him and spit at his face. "Goodbye." She snapped her finger and Heptus exploded.

Back at the Dark Emperor's base, Cronos watched as his brother was killed. Abaddon walked into the room. "So she wanted to be a Dark Emperor," Cronos said.

Abaddon scoffed. "Let's see how she handles herself as one. But we can't ignore her killing our brother."


Alice sensed the three Kamen Riders approaching the room. "So they're finally here." The three men stepped into the room and looked at Alice.

"Where's Heptus?" Tsukasa said.

"Dead," she said. "I killed him because he was useless now. Meet the new Dark Emperor." She pointed at herself and gleamed.

"You monster. He was your master."

Alice laughed. "Please, I surpassed him long ago. I was just waiting for the right time to kill him."

"So that reaction you had back there. It was fake?"

She smiled in response. "Enough talking. I want to try my new power on you Kamen Riders." She transformed into the Ultimate Joker.

The three men transformed and took out their weapons. "Go find Hajime," Decade said to Diend. "We'll fight her." Diend nodded and went to find him. "Kenzaki, are you ready?"

Blade responded by changing into his King form.

"Then let's go." They both yelled their battle cries and charged at Alice.

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