Friday, July 5, 2013

Kamen Rider Decade Chapter 18

Tsukasa and Kaitou stepped out of the portal and placed their feet on Faiz's world. "So what do we do now?" Tsukasa said, staring at Kaitou.

"We find a place to rest. We both need it from that last fight."

Kaitou was right. The battle with Abyss in Ryuki's world had taken a toll on them both. "Alright then." They looked around to see where they were. As they looked around warehouses surrounded them.

Kaitou opened one of the warehouse's doors. "we'll sleep here tonight."

Tsukasa looked at the dirty floor. "You mean we're going to sleep on this?"

"Stop whining and take a nap." He laid down on the floor and closed his eyes.

Tsukasa scowled and sat down on the floor. "At least give me your pad so I can read about this world."

He took out the pad from his jacket and tossed it to him.

Tsukasa turned it on, nine symbols popped out on the screen. Three symbols had already been crossed out. He recognized them as Kuuga, Agito and Ryuki's symbols. He clicked on Faiz's symbol and a page popped out. He touched Takumi Inui's name. It read: deceased. "That's impossible." He scrolled down the page to read more. When Takumi was a young boy he had died and because the Wolf Orphnoch, an evolved human. However, he decided to hide this trait from everyone and became a loner. Fourteen years later he met a woman named Mari Sonada who had a case with the Faiz's gear in it.

When she was attacked by an Orphnoch she gave the gear to Takumi to use. With the belt he became Kamen Rider Faiz and defeated various Orphnoch. As he travels along with Mari he meets several people along the way, including Kamen Rider Kaixa, and Delta. He also learns that there are other Orphnoch who wants to live a peaceful life like him.

As the months pass he learns of the Orphnoch King, who can cure the defect in the Orphnoch DNA and can get rid off the human traits in him. He also learns of the King's plan to destroy humanity. With the help of Kaixa and Delta they manage to defeat the King. A few days later Takumi dies of the Orphnoch DNA defect and his friends mourn the loss of him.

Tsukasa returned back to the page and clicked on the Orphnoch king's status. In big bold green letters it read: ALIVE

"I think I know what I have to do in this world now," he thought. He went back to the page and clicked on the riders. Only Kamen Rider Delta was left. Kaixa's belt was destroyed as he continued to read on the pad. He took out the Kamen Ride cards for Faiz. "How am I suppose to defeat the King with just Delta?" Tsukasa turned off the pad and stretched his body. He was tired and hadn't slept for a long time. "I'll figure things out tomorrow." He yawned and went to sleep.

Shuji woke up in a hospital bed. Mari was sitting next to him on a chair. She was sound asleep. He smiled but then he remembered he had lost the Delta gear. "Damn it," He gritted his teeth. Mari then woke up, stretching her arms as she did.

"Hey," She yawned, "How are you doing?"

He tapped at the morphine. "I'm feeling very good." He smiled.

"Good. THey'll be kicking you out of the bed in a few hours."

"What? Why?"

"You only had a few scratches and they need the bed for other patients who need it you know."

"But I got a cut on my hand too," Shuji pouted. His response was a slap to the head.

"Dress up, we're going back to help Keitaro's shop." She threw his clothes at him and went outside. A few minutes later Shuji checked out of the hospital with Mari and drove back to the Laundry shop. Mari drove fast, cutting other cars and drove past a red light. Soon they arrived at Keitaro's laundry shop. She got out of the car and looked at Shuji. His face was purple.

"What's wrong now?"

"Your driving," he said, before throwing up.

After Shuji cleaned himself up they entered the shop. They expected a greeting from Keitaro but he wasn't behind the counter. "Keitaro are you here?" She shouted.

"I'm upstairs. I got company!" He shouted back.

Shuji and Mari looked at each other. Keitaro had company. They just had to see this. AS they entered Keitaro's room there was two people sitting in front of him. THe man sitting on the right was wearing a black coat and a ping shirt while the man next to him was wearing a brown jacket and a hat on.

"They're names are - um I forgot.."

The man in the black coat smiled, "My name is Tsukasa Kadoya and this is Kaitou Daiki.

"Pleased to meet you," Kaitou said.

"So how did you guys meet?" Shuji asked.

"Just recently when they entered the shop," Keitaro said. Mari and Shuji were shocked. Keitaro had made friends with strangers. That was unlike him to do things like that. THey looked at Keitaro and he smiled.

"So why did you invite them in if you didn't know them?"

"Oh they said they weren't from this world and they needed information about it."

"You mean they're aliens?" Shuji said.

Tsukasa scoffed. "No we're not aliens. We came from a different world that is similar to yours. But in my world I'm the emperor.

Mari snorted. "All right that's it. You guys need to get out of here. You guys need to get out of here." SHe pulled them out of their seats and pushed them out of the room. She closed the door on them but Tsukasa put his foot in the doorway.

"What I do know is that you're going to need our help if the Orphnoch King is to be destroyed," Tsukasa said.

When she heard the word 'King' she opened the door fully. "What? But he was destroyed by-"

"Takumi Inui," Kaitou finished. "Unfortunately he failed to destroy the King. All he managed to do was knock the King into a comatose state."

"Do you have your belt?" Tsukasa looked at Shuji.

"It was taken from the Lobster Orphnoch."

Tsukasa frowned. "How did you let it take the Orphnoch take it away? Now it will be harder to defeat the King now."

"I thought you said the King was in a comatosed state?" Mari asked.

"He is. But he can wake up at any moment and even if he's not at full power. He'll still be hard to beat," Tsukasa said.

"Do you have Takumi's ashes?" Kaitou asked. Mari and the others looked at him.

"What are you talking about?" Mari said.

"If you have his ashes. We can probably bring him back to life if I can get a sample of the King's blood."

"You can do that?" Tsuaksa said.

"It's only a theory. It might not even work."

"Oh," Tsukasa stared at Mari. She looked glum. "You there." Tsukasa said to Mari. She looked up. "What's your name?"

"Mari. Mari Sonoda."

"Let's go for a walk." She looked at him strangely and he laughed. "Don't worry I just want to talk you." Mari nodded and they went out of the room, leaving Kaitou alone with Shuji

and Keitaro.

Mari and Tsukasa walked together in the city. "So... do you have his ashes?"

Mari nodded. "It's at my house. But is your friend's theory about the King's blood will revive him?"

"Like Kaitou said it's only a theory. It might not even work."

They continued to walk in silence until Mari said, "Why are you traveling through worlds?"

He took out the Kamen Ride cards from his Decade Book and showed it to her. "I have to travel to gain back the cards power. Without them I can't beat the Dark Emperors.

"The who?"

"Back in my world, four men fought my ancestor in order to control his kingdom. But they were too strong for him and he had to seal them away. Now they're back. I don't how they broke the seal but I'm going to destroy them." He put the cards back into the Decade Book and continued to walk with Mari.

"I think I understand you now," She said.

"How so?"

"You're just an emperor who wants to save his world against those men. You may be an emperor but you're also a Kamen Rider."

Tsukasa snorted. "I'm not a Kamen Rider. I'm not fighting to save people. I'm fighting so I can have the power to destroy those bastards.

Mari stared at him for a moment then looked away. "Whatever you say."

But Tsukasa wasn't done talking. "It's not only that but without the nine cards I can't become the emperor."

She around. "But just back at Keitaro's shop you said you were the emperor."

"Technically I'm still the prince. I lost the cards power when I broke a seal."

"Your world is weird."

Tsukasa smiled. "You think?"

All of the sudden the ground was shaking. Tsukasa had to hold his balance against a window. Mari screamed and pointed to a skyscraper in front of them. The building collapsed and there was a huge dust cloud. Tsukasa could see three men walking towards them.

As the dust cloud cleared it revealed three Kamen Riders. The Kamen Rider in the middle took out a gun and shot at Mari. Tsukasa grabbed her and they jumped out of the way. They ran behind a car and looked behind them. "Who are you guys?" Tsukasa shouted.

The three riders stopped in their tracks. "We serve the Orphnoch King." The Rider in the right said. "Our job is to eliminate any person we see."

"The rider on the left then spoke." I'm sorry if we didn't introduce ourselves. I am Kamen Rider Beta. The one on the right to me is Alpha and next to him is Gamma.

"Bull shit!" Mari said. "Kamen Riders is a name of hope. It's not for evil people like you to use." She was going to say more but Alpha pointed his gun at the car.

"Come out from behind the car let us turn you both into Orphnoch that is if you survive the process," He laughed maniacally.

"Go get Kaitou. I can handle them myself." He whispered to Mari. "I'll give you some cover when you run. Go now."

"Go!" Mari got up and started to run. The three riders started to chase after her but Tsukasa got in their way. "Sorry but I can't let you turn her into an Orphnoch." Alpha scowled then ran towards him and kneed him in the stomach. He pulled him by the collar and threw him on the car. Tsukasa landed on the car, breaking the windshield.

"This human is stupid if he thinks he can fight us like that," Gamma said. "Let's just kill him he doesn't even deserve the honor of becoming an Orphnoch." He took his mission chip and inserted it into a hilt. Green photon blood came out and solidified. He charged towards Tsukasa and swung at him. He dodged it and jumped back. He took out his driver and placed it on his waist. He held out his card at them then shouted," Transform!" He inserted the card into the driver and the armor appeared on him.

The three riders was shocked when he became Decade. But Gamma laughed. "So you're the one our mistress told us to kill. This is going to be interesting. Alpha, Beta let's go." They both nodded and surrounded Decade. They took out their weapons and closed in on him.

Decade opened his book and drew out a card. "Time to test out Ryuki's power," he said. He inserted the card into the driver.

Kamen Ride: Ryuki

As Ryuki's armor appeared on him, he jumped over them and into the window. The three riders was shocked. "Where did he disappear to?" Beta said. As soon as he said that, Decade jumped from the window behind them and slashed at Alpha, knocking him down. He then jumped into another mirror again.

"Damn it!" Beta growled. "I won't let him make a fool out of us." He smashed one of the mirrors and stared down at the broken glass pieces. Not here? On to the next one then."

Decade jumped from next mirror and punched him in the face. Beta staggered back a few steps. "Guess I have to use this then." Decade inserted a card into the driver.

Attack Ride: Advent

Dragredder came out of a mirror and blew a fireball at the three riders. They were knocked from their feet and landed in front of a woman. Decade stared at her. "That must be their mistress."

"So you're Decade?" She stared at Dragredder and then back at the three riders. "So that's how you beat them."

"Just who are you?" Decade demanded.

"I am the Lobster Orphnoch," she said, transforming into the Orphnoch. She strapped the Delta belt onto her waist. "Transform." She said into the Delta phone.

Standing By

She then placed the phone into the mover, forming the Delta Blaster.


Photon blood came out of the Delta driver covering the body. The Delta armor appeared onto the Orphnoch's body. "I'll show you what an Orphnoch can do with the rider gear." She started to walk towards him.

"Dragredder attack!" The dragon roared in response and flew towards Delta. Delta snapped her fingers and the three riders jumped on the dragon and attacked with their weapons.

"Now you're useless with your pet," Delta said. "Fire."

Burst Mode

She shot at Decade, shooting him in the chest. He flew back knocked out of Ryuki's armor. As he looked up Delta was standing in front of him. She kicked in the stomach repeatedly. Decade groaned in pain and tried to get up but the three riders held him down. Delta pointed her Blaster at his face.

"So this is how it ends," he thought.

Delta was hit by blue bursts of bullets and dropped the blasted onto the floor. "Who the hell dares-" Another round of bursts of bullets shot at her. This time it was near her feet.

"Sorry I can't let you kill him," Kaitou said. He inserted his Kamen Ride card into the Diendriver. "Transform!"

Kamen Ride: Diend

Delta was shocked. "Another rider? She didn't tell me this." She muttered.

Diend inserted a card into his Diendriver and pulled the trigger. "Attack." He commanded as several Riotroopers appeared. They ran towards the four riders attacking them. He looked at Decade. "Still weak as ever."

"Shut up!" Decade scowled. He stood up, wincing at the pain.

"Is that what you should say to your saver?" Diend teased.

Decade switched his Decade book into gun mode. "Let's just finish this." He and Diend inserted their Final Attack Ride cards to finish the riders off. They released their attacks on the riders. They screamed as they were hit by the combined blasts. Their transformations were cancelled reverting them back to their Orphnoch forms.

"Bastards," the Lobster Orphnoch said. "You won't get away with this."

"Oh I think we will," Diend said. As he was about to insert another card into his Diendriver, they were both hit by a dark ball of energy. They turned to see who threw the ball. It was an Orphnoch. It looked different from the other Orphnoch. It was like it was on a different scale of power than the other Orphnoch. Their suspicion was confirmed when the four Orphnoch bowed down to the Orphnoch. "Your Majesty," they said in unison.

"That must be-" Tsukasa said.

"The Orphnoch King," Kaitou finished the sentence.

The situation was looking worse for them.

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